Roll Me Over
(the chorus originally goes in full after each verse
but personally I find that too lengthy)

We've tried it once or twice,
And found it rather nice.

Roll me over lay me down and do it again,
Roll me over on silk-covers, roll me over lay me down and do it again.

Oh this is number one,
And the fun has just begun

Oh this is number two,
Down in front he's comin' through

Roll me over lay me down and do it again

Oh this is number three,
And his hand is on me knee

Roll me over on silk-covers, roll me over lay me down and do it again!

Oh this is number four,
And he's been there twice before

Oh this is number five,
I'm surprised I'm still alive

Roll me over lay me down and do it again,
Roll me over on silk-covers, roll me over lay me down and do it again.

Oh this is number six,
And he's got me doin' tricks.

Well this is number seven,
And he took me straight up to the heaven...

Roll me over on silk-covers, roll me over lay me down and do it again!

Oh this is number eight,
He bent me o'er the garden gate.

Roll me over lay me down and do it again,
Roll me over on silk-covers, roll me over lay me down and do it again.

Oh this is number nine,
And the baby's doin' fine.

Oh this is number ten,
And when he's through we'll do it again.

Oh this is number eleven,
and it's just like number seven.

Roll me over lay me down and do it again,
Roll me over on silk-covers, roll me over lay me down and do it again.

Traditional (supposedly a soldiers' song popular during World War II)

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